Teriyaki Chicken Leg Buns
- 産品描述
- Commodity name: Teriyaki Chicken Leg Buns線都
Product specification: 480門嗎g/bag (6 packs), 20 packs/p農煙iece_x000D_ Main ingredients: 不煙wheat flour, drinking water, 資新chicken, mushrooms, sugar, shorteni金木ng, brewing soy sauce
◆Product features
Teriyaki chicken thigh bun using high-q坐訊uality wheat flour, traditiona作煙l method sauce marinated chic民不ken thigh meat, combined with 刀但elaborate special teriyaki s一現auce, through modern fermentation煙什 and production technology, the appea刀飛rance is traditional a山服nd simple, full of s地公trength, stimulate people器家39;s desire to enjoy, taste a p哥國roduct, soft dough, teriyak樂外i sauce aroma, tender她術 meat, take you to experien知地ce a full sense of satiety.
◆Product consumptionmethod 1, steaming method: the p照好roduct is slightly thawed, 分門directly steamed with boiling wa土金ter steam (water) for 10 minutes, 中弟and put on a plate.
National hotline:86-595-88485296
key word:
Pastry category
Teriyaki Chicken Leg Buns
◆Product features
Teriyaki chicken thigh bun using high-這討quality wheat flour, t制是raditional method sauce marinated 匠火chicken thigh meat, combined with e線吧laborate special teriyaki sauce, throu分線gh modern fermentation and produc慢從tion technology, the appearance is分店 traditional and simple, full of stren關舞gth, stimulate people弟有39;s desire to enjoy, tas多小te a product, soft dough, teri暗不yaki sauce aroma, tender meat,訊西 take you to experience a full se草又nse of satiety.
◆Product consumption
method 1, steaming method錯照: the product is slightly thawed, di明錯rectly steamed with bo商議iling water steam (water) for 10知熱 minutes, and put on a plate.
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