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For a man to have a backbone, he ca都飛n rely on Beiji at critical moments._x音他000D_ For the 2022 Mid-Autumn 暗志Festival, Beiji Food舞通s is launching a high value iced moonca紅學ke, inspired by 20 yea笑呢rs of experience in food R&D老長 and production, with healthy ingredi是媽ents and production proce姐謝sses! The Beikee High Value Iced M林離ooncake" is the late友報st seasonal series of products launc行制hed by Fujian Beikee F我花oods. The multi-layer san雨志dwich filling with the cool and也白 delicate taste of i商員ce cream makes every bite Q an弟間d glutinous, and the eight c白喝olorful flavors meet th電木e needs of different peop見內le.





Invited by the organizer, Fujian Be時拿iji Food, the advoca水小te of new Chinese pastry, broug舞微ht along its "No物技.1 ranked children's pastry in Tm對音all with mousse peeled b可她anana bun", "realist電離ic shaped bite burst pul要算p mangosteen bun "The No. 1用日 ranking of children's pastry in紅線 Tmall", "The realis少的tic shaped mangosteen bun", &計看quot;The cartoonish and 學媽interesting multi-layered化錢 sandwich corn bun"鐘林, "The rich cheese fried bun&q輛刀uot;, etc. 42 produc章亮ts covering daily breakf老議ast, dessert, gifts and oth門線er categories, meeting 去線the needs of multiple scenarios of 畫們young children, pare路都nts and children, office workers, et信厭c. The high value, high qualit吧朋y products that meet the needs of m舞厭ultiple scenes of peop鐘影le, such as children, parents and o都林ffice workers, made a splendid讀姐 appearance and exchanged brand s跳哥trategies with industry experts, wh師訊ile also treating customers 照好nationwide with high-end q木坐uality. At the exhibition site, many d雪呢istributors, new retail merchants 廠少and media reporters gathered at th木雜e booth of Beiji Food 腦視and gave high attention and recognition現那 to Beiji Food. From 錢理July 6 to July 8, the total numbe鐵電r of visitors to the Beiji Food booth山為 reached 2,000, and a著分 total of 86 companies signed strategic又窗 cooperation agreements.





In 2003, Mr. Dongliang Li, t公要he founder of Beiji Food, who cam算劇e from a chef backgroun件現d, started the family 紙關workshop business model 金刀with his parents. When western-國如style pastry such as br熱志ead and burgers entered the Chin兒北ese market and became more and m女身ore popular among young consumers男美, Mr. Li was inspired to think跳東 that traditional Chinese pas科土try should also keep pace with th說歌e times and go out of Chi們公na and into the international 作笑arena. So in October 去森2010, he started a corporate business m藍愛odel and officially established Beiji 熱銀Food Co. After nineteen years of de放唱ep plowing in the indus制懂try, through continuous 木信research, we finally developed a 可海series of new Chinese pastry products 購中with a clever blend of Chinese a錯頻nd Western, and became the indus東刀try leader, and is now gr雨飛adually developing into an innovati慢制ve leader in the industry of Chinese or計道iginal color, aroma and flavor了的 of delicate snacks.





Beiji's new children&#生技x27;s pastry brand "Pao Cl睡輛assmates" was launc拿紅hed for the first time商明 in the market. With nutritious past玩放ry as the core, Pao Class煙資mates is dedicated to providing child行月ren with fun and healthy體錢 pastry solutions that 計費are both healthy and delicious.





The recurrence of the epidemic in F用公ujian has touched every司家one's heart. Recently,麗作 due to the closed management o醫在f the epidemic, the purch如靜ase of living materials for the pu書兒blic was affected to a certai畫紙n extent. In order to h錢街elp the prevention and control站些 of the epidemic in Quanzhou, Fujia林匠n Beiji Food Co., Ltd. quickly collec訊員ted materials and sent lov身理e breakfast pastries技事 to the front line of the epide著工mic fight, such as the Shi兒呢shi City Epidemic Preven草亮tion Office, the people in the c裡學losed control area, the Yon可男gning Town Epidemic 開計Prevention Office and 火舞volunteers, to give everyone 來作an extra nutritional supple件筆ment.





Fujian Beiji Food and S玩影hishi Youth Chamber of Commerce 也白responded positively and took慢綠 the initiative to participate i體還n the Spring Warmth, Epidemic Settle錯爸ment and Peace" -有拍 Shishi City Volunteer Service Work爸訊ing Group's condolence ac文紙tivities.





Organized by the mari車區ne food industry group東農 to purchase and col東醫lect bread cakes, mineral wa什科ter, candy and other cond謝高olence materials, sent to the iso事光lation site of Jinshang 拿房Health Home and the isolatio見自n site of Baogai Town月老, taking practical act白近ion to fulfill social responsibility公們 and manifesting the responsibility of風筆 the youth businessmen ."





On the morning of June 21, u外師nder the festive song短嗎 and cannon salute, Beiji Food Store, t開通he resident merchant of China Shishi In靜土ternational Food City, was o知購fficially opened! This is the first m答的erchant to open in China Shis看來hi International Food 說身City, and also the first directly ma又時naged store of Beiji Food in F現還ujian.


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Contact Information

National hotline:86-595-88485296
Business cooperation:bjfood2021@163.com

Cooperation and docking:火外86-13632613179  Manager Fan

Production customization:86-8859533299  Manager Li


Address: No. 137, Guwei Avenue, Yong拍店ning Town, Shishi City, Fuj線議ian Province

Page Copyright 2022 Fujian B志遠eiji Food Co., Ltd