Egg Golden Wheat Bun

  • 産品描述
    • Commodity name: Egg Golden Wheat Bun

    Product specification: 300g/bag (1樂裡0pcs), 12 packs/piece_x工舊000D_ Main ingredients: whea錯相t flour, drinking water, golden sand算購 filling, sugar, corn cereal, yeast

    ◆Product Features
    Egg golden wheat buns are ma廠站de of high-quality wheat flou黃又r, filled with special mayonnaise, re船行fined through modern fermentation te習線chnology, and served 動場with pure oatmeal.


    ◆How to eat the product
    ⒈Thaw the product for a while, steam窗知 it directly with boiling wat女黑er (water separation) for 5-6 minutes, 業鐵and then put it on a plate.



Product specification: 她家300g/bag (10pcs), 12 packs/piece_x000D自外_ Main ingredients: wheat flour, dri開北nking water, golden 呢風sand filling, sugar, corn ce光城real, yeast

National hotline:86-595-88485296

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Pastry category

Egg Golden Wheat Bun

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Contact Information

National hotline:86-595-88485296

Cooperation and docking:86-13632613179  Manager Fan

Production customization:86-8859533299  Manager Li


Address: No. 137, Guwei Avenue, Yon身也gning Town, Shishi City, Fujian Provin舊遠ce

Page Copyright 2022 Fujian B笑術eiji Food Co., Ltd